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Introducing our extensive quiz question set, designed to help you prepare for the NREMT AEMT certification exam! Our material is specially curated to cover all the necessary information and skills needed to successfully pass the exam and become a certified Advanced EMT.
About the Exam:
The NREMT AEMT exam is a comprehensive test that assesses your knowledge, skills, and abilities as an Advanced EMT. The exam is divided into two sections: a computer adaptive test (CAT) and a practical skills test (PST). The CAT portion consists of 135-145 multiple choice questions, while the PST requires you to demonstrate your hands-on skills in a simulated emergency scenario. The total testing time for the exam is around 2.5 hours, with an additional 45 minutes for the PST. The passing score for the exam is 70%.
Exam Sections and Percentage Breakdown:
– Airway, Respiration & Ventilation – 18%
– Cardiology & Resuscitation – 21%
– Trauma – 18%
– Medical – 21%
– EMS Operations – 10%
– Integration of Knowledge and Psychomotor Skills – 12%
Exam Cost, Time, Date, and Registration:
The NREMT AEMT certification exam costs $115 and can be taken at any of the approved testing centers throughout the United States. It is available year-round, and registration can be done through the NREMT website. Keep in mind that the exam must be taken within 24 months of completing your approved AEMT course.
Why Choose Our Material:
Our quiz question set is the ideal study tool for anyone preparing for the NREMT AEMT exam. Here’s why:
– Comprehensive Coverage: Our material covers all the topics and skills included in the exam, ensuring that you are fully prepared to tackle any question that may come your way.
– Realistic Practice: Our questions are designed to closely mimic the types of questions you will encounter on the actual NREMT AEMT exam. This allows you to become familiar with the test format and helps you develop effective test-taking strategies.
– Detailed Explanations: Each question is accompanied by a detailed explanation to help you fully understand the correct answer. This not only helps you learn from your mistakes but also aids in reinforcing key concepts.
– Convenient Format: Our quiz question set is easily accessible online, making it convenient for you to study anytime, anywhere. You can also track your progress to see where you need to focus more attention.
Don’t leave your success on the NREMT AEMT exam to chance. Invest in our material and give yourself the best chance of passing with flying colors. Purchase our quiz question set today and start your journey towards becoming a certified Advanced EMT!
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