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Introducing our premium quiz question set for passing the NHA Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) exam! With our comprehensive study material, you can ace the exam with ease and confidence. Our team of experts has carefully crafted these questions to cover all the necessary topics and prepare you for success.
About the Exam:
The NHA CCMA exam is a nationally recognized certification for medical assistants. It includes 200 multiple-choice questions that cover four main sections: General (17%), Administrative (28%), Clinical (45%), and Clinical Medical Assisting (10%). Passing this exam will validate your clinical and administrative skills, making you a competitive candidate in the healthcare industry.
The cost of the NHA CCMA exam is $149 for NHA members and $199 for non-members. The exam fee includes a one-year membership to the NHA, allowing you to access exclusive resources and support to prepare for the exam.
Time and Date:
The exam is available on-demand and can be taken at any time on a computer or mobile device with internet access. You will have up to 2 hours and 50 minutes to complete the exam.
To register for the NHA CCMA exam, simply visit the NHA website and follow the registration process. You will need to create an account, pay the exam fee, and select a testing location. The NHA offers testing centers nationwide, providing convenience and flexibility.
Why Choose Our Quiz Question Set:
1. Comprehensive Coverage – Our quiz question set covers all the sections and topics included in the NHA CCMA exam, ensuring you are fully prepared.
2. Practice with Real Exam Questions – Our question set includes real NHA exam questions, giving you an authentic exam experience.
3. Detailed Explanations – Each question comes with a detailed explanation, providing you with a deeper understanding of the concept.
4. Interactive Learning – Our quiz format allows you to practice and track your progress, making your study sessions more efficient and effective.
5. Cost-Effective – Our quiz question set is a cost-effective option compared to traditional study materials and review courses.
6. Convenience – You can access our quiz question set anytime, anywhere, making it easy to study on the go.
7. Success Guaranteed – Our material is designed to help you pass the NHA CCMA exam on your first try. With thorough preparation, you can increase your chances of success.
Don’t miss this opportunity to boost your exam preparation and pass the NHA CCMA exam with confidence. Purchase our quiz question set today and take the first step towards your career as a certified clinical medical assistant!
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