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Product Description:
Are you studying for the NCLEX-PN exam and feeling overwhelmed by the amount of material you need to review? Look no further, because our quiz and question set is the perfect solution to help you pass the NCLEX-PN with confidence!
Exam Information:
NCLEX-PN exam is a crucial step towards becoming a licensed practical nurse (LPN). The exam is designed to assess your knowledge, skills, and abilities required for entry-level nursing practice. The NCLEX-PN exam is divided into four major sections, including Safe and Effective Care Environment, Health Promotion and Maintenance, Psychosocial Integrity, and Physiological Integrity. Each section makes up a certain percentage of the exam, so it is important to have a comprehensive review of all areas.
The NCLEX-PN exam costs $200 and is offered year-round at testing centers across the United States. The total testing time is 5 hours, but you are given a maximum of 6 hours to complete the exam. To register for the exam, you must first apply for licensure with your state board of nursing and receive an authorization to test (ATT) notification. Once you have received your ATT, you can schedule your exam on the Pearson VUE website.
Why Choose Our Material:
Our quiz and question set is specifically designed to help nursing students pass the NCLEX-PN exam. Here’s why you should purchase our material:
– Comprehensive Coverage: Our material covers all four sections of the exam, providing a well-rounded review of the content.
– Practice with Real Exam Questions: Our question set includes questions that are similar to those found on the actual exam, giving you a feel for the types of questions you will encounter.
– Detailed Explanations: Each answer is accompanied by a detailed explanation, helping you understand the reasoning behind the correct answer.
– Customize Your Study: Our material is organized in a format that allows you to customize your study based on your individual needs and strengths.
– Convenient and Affordable: Our quiz and question set is available for purchase on our website at an affordable price, and can be accessed from the comfort of your own home.
– Increased Confidence: With our material, you can feel confident and prepared to tackle the NCLEX-PN exam and start your career as an LPN.
Don’t let the NCLEX-PN exam stand in the way of your nursing career. Purchase our quiz and question set today and give yourself the best chance at success on the exam!
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