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Introducing our comprehensive quiz/question set to help you pass the NBCRNA CRNA exam! Our material is designed to provide all the necessary resources and practice questions to ensure your success on the exam day. With its user-friendly format and detailed explanations, our material will guide you through each topic, helping you gain confidence and knowledge to pass the exam with flying colors.
About the Exam:
– The NBCRNA CRNA exam is a national certification exam for entry-level nurse anesthetists.
– The exam is divided into two sections: Clinical Concepts and Operations (CCO) and Basic and Clinical Sciences (BCS).
– The CCO section contains 170 questions, while the BCS section has 100 questions, making it a total of 270 questions.
– The exam is computer-based and is offered at various testing centers across the country.
Percentage Breakdown:
– CCO section covers 63% of the exam.
– BCS section makes up 37% of the exam.
– Both sections require a minimum score of 80% to pass the exam.
– The exam fee for first-time takers is $725, and for retakers, it is $1,150.
– The exam is offered three times a year in April, August, and December.
– Registration for the exam opens approximately two months before the exam date and closes four weeks before the exam date.
Why Purchase Our Material:
– Our quiz/question set is specifically designed to match the format and difficulty level of the NBCRNA CRNA exam.
– Our material covers all the topics and subtopics included in the exam, ensuring that you do not miss any important information.
– With a large database of questions, our material allows you to practice and review thoroughly, making you better prepared for the exam.
– Our material comes with detailed explanations, making it easier for you to understand and retain the information.
– By purchasing our material, you will save time and money compared to attending review courses or purchasing multiple resources separately.
Ready to ace the NBCRNA CRNA exam? Purchase our quiz/question set now and start your journey towards becoming a certified nurse anesthetist!
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