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Introducing the ultimate study tool for passing the HESI A2 exam – our quiz and question set on our website! Our comprehensive material is designed to help you succeed on this important exam, and we are committed to making the studying process as efficient and effective as possible. Read on to learn more about the HESI A2 exam, what you can expect from our material, and why it’s the perfect resource for your test preparation needs.
About the Exam:
The HESI A2, or Health Education Systems, Inc. Admission Assessment, is a standardized test that is used by nursing programs to evaluate potential candidates for admission. It is a crucial component of the application process for many nursing schools and typically covers a variety of subjects, including math, science, English language, and critical thinking. Some schools may also include additional sections on personality and behavioral traits. The exam is designed to assess the student’s basic academic skills and knowledge, as well as their potential for successful completion of a nursing program.
Exam Sections and Weights:
The HESI A2 exam consists of several sections, each with its own designated percentage towards the overall score. These sections include:
– Reading Comprehension (22%)
– Vocabulary and General Knowledge (22%)
– Grammar (14%)
– Basic Math Skills (9%)
– Anatomy and Physiology (9%)
– Biology (9%)
– Chemistry (9%)
– Critical Thinking (12%)
Total exam duration is 4 hours, and the passing score is typically 75% or higher.
Exam Cost/Time/Date/Registration:
The cost of the HESI A2 exam varies depending on the institution where you take it. It can range from $40 to $75 and is usually payable on the day of the test. The exam is offered year-round at various locations across the United States. You can register for the exam through your preferred nursing school or through the Evolve website.
Why Choose Our Material:
Our quiz and question set for the HESI A2 exam is a comprehensive and cost-effective study tool designed to help you pass the test with flying colors. Here are some of the reasons why customers should choose our material over other resources:
– Extensive coverage: Our material covers all the sections of the HESI A2 exam in detail, ensuring that you are fully prepared for every subject.
– Realistic question format: Our questions are designed to mimic the actual exam, providing you with a realistic testing experience and helping you understand the structure and format of the questions.
– Detailed answers and explanations: Our material includes detailed explanations for each answer, helping you to understand the concepts and reasoning behind each question.
– Convenient and accessible: Our material is available for immediate download, allowing you to study at your own pace and from the comfort of your own home.
– Affordable: Purchasing our material is a cost-effective option compared to other study resources available. Plus, you will have unlimited access to our material, allowing you to review and practice as many times as needed.
Ace the HESI A2 Exam with Our Material:
As you can see, our quiz and question set for the HESI A2 exam is a valuable study resource that can help you succeed in this challenging test. With in-depth coverage of all sections and realistic exam-style questions, our material offers the perfect preparation for passing the HESI A2 and pursuing your dream of becoming a nurse. So why wait? Invest in our material today and give yourself the best chance of acing the HESI A2 exam!
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