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Are you planning to take the FSBPT NPTE-PTA exam and want to increase your chances of passing? Look no further! Our quiz/question set specifically designed for this exam will help you ace it with ease. Here’s all the information you need to know:
About the Exam:
The FSBPT NPTE-PTA exam is a comprehensive test that measures the competency of physical therapist assistants to practice in the United States. It includes questions related to patient care, ethics, and clinical decision making. The exam is administered by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy and is required for licensure in most states.
Exam Sections and Percentage:
The exam is divided into four main sections, each with a specific percentage allotted:
1. Physical Therapy Data Collection & Interventions – 46%
2. Equipment and Devices & Therapeutic Modalities – 24%
3. Patient Care Management & Professional Responsibilities – 19%
4. Safety & Protection of the Patient – 11%
Cost/ Time/ Date/ Registration:
The cost of the exam is $400 and the application fee is $200. The exam is offered four times a year in January, April, July, and October. Registration opens around two months before each exam and closes about three weeks before the exam date. It is important to register early as seats are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Why Should You Purchase Our Material:
1. Comprehensive Coverage: Our quiz/question set covers all the topics and sections of the NPTE-PTA exam, giving you a well-rounded preparation.
2. Practice makes perfect: Our material includes a large number of practice questions with detailed explanations, allowing you to familiarize yourself with the exam format and improve your test-taking strategies.
3. Time-Saving: As the saying goes, time is money. Our material is designed to help you study efficiently, saving you time and energy.
4. Cost-effective: With our material, you are not only investing in your success but also saving money on expensive review courses.
Don’t let the NPTE-PTA exam stand in the way of your career as a physical therapist assistant. Purchase our quiz/question set and get one step closer to becoming a licensed professional. With our material, passing the exam is not just a possibility, it’s a guarantee! So, don’t wait any longer and start preparing today.
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