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Good luck on your exam!
Looking to pass the NBCC NCMHCE exam? Our WooCommerce product is exactly what you need! Our quiz and question set is designed to help you prepare for and conquer this challenging exam. Not only is it comprehensive and effective, but it is also SEO friendly to provide you with the best study experience possible.
About the Exam:
– The NBCC National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Examination (NCMHCE) is a rigorous test designed to assess your knowledge, skills, and abilities as a mental health counselor.
– It is a required exam for individuals seeking national certification and licensure in the mental health field.
– The NCMHCE consists of two separate sections, with one section focused on clinical simulations and the other on counseling skills.
– The exam is weighted, with the clinical simulations section accounting for 55% and the counseling skills section accounting for 45% of the total score.
– Passing the NCMHCE is necessary in order to become a Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (CCMHC).
– The cost of the NCMHCE exam ranges from $275-$380, depending on when you register and which testing site you choose.
– The exam is offered twice a year, typically in April/May and October/November.
– Registration for the exam can be done online through the NBCC website.
Why choose our material?
– Our WooCommerce product consists of a comprehensive quiz and question set specifically tailored to the NCMHCE exam.
– This material has been carefully curated and designed to cover all the necessary topics and concepts in an easy-to-understand format.
– Our quiz and question set follows the exact exam format, giving you a realistic and effective study experience.
– With our material, you can practice and assess your skills and knowledge, helping you identify your strengths and weaknesses and focus your studying accordingly.
– Our material is constantly updated to reflect any changes or updates in the NCMHCE exam, ensuring that you are always studying with the most current information.
– Purchasing our material not only saves you time and money but also gives you the peace of mind knowing that you have the best study material to prepare you for success on the NCMHCE exam.
Passing the NBCC NCMHCE exam is a crucial step in your career as a mental health counselor. Invest in our WooCommerce product today and take one step closer towards achieving your goal of becoming a Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor.
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